Business Profiles
- The results are being filtered by the postal code: IP6 8BU
We believe that customer input is vital. Above all we want to build your dream and we need to get inside and convert that into bricks and mortar!
Our lead builder James Kerry, likes to have an honest, caring and trusting relationship with all out customers. Working alongside our customers and taking input as we build is how the best finish is created. Indeed we welcome questions and thoughts during our work.
Please take a look through our website for countless examples of the high standard of work. Send us a message thru the site or give us a call, don’t delay!
References can be supplied from a large range of customers. Contact us for recent testimonials for a quick review or two. You won’t be disappointed.
Considerations to take into account when it comes to home extensions.
Here we’ve attempted to collect together some things worth thinking about when it comes to extending your valued home. Of course we can go into more detail, calling on our years of experience, if you’d like to. We wouldn’t try to cover everything relevant here and, of course, every situation is different, every extension is in its own way unique.
A roof can really dress your home. Getting it right on a new build or refurbishing an old roof can make a huge difference. As an skilled roofing contractor we take pride in our work. Care and attention are strong company values. We will always provide a competitive and honest quote.
With our years of experience we offer our services to turn your home design dreams into reality. We can be the service that lets you build your own house.
4 Ranson Road Needham Market Suffolk IP6 8BU United Kingdom