Business Profiles
Work Haling Road Garage, Haling Road South Croydon Surrey CR2 6HS United Kingdomwork
Phone Number: 02086808809home
Work Email: info@hornautos.comINTERNET
Membership Type: promo code TRADESMENONLINE
Join Date: November 29, 2019 Join Date - Horn Autos Ltd 20191129000000
Website: Website
Our Story
Based on Haling Road, South Croydon, the premises of Horn Autos began life as a stable for Uni-Gate Dairy, and was originally the first step of the journey for the changeover of horses for the London to Brighton stage coach. In the decades that have followed those momentous occasions, the site has witnessed many changes until it was finally converted to our home. Since launch, we too have seen many changes, but one thing that has not altered is our commitment to providing you with a top quality service.
Our garage is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am – 5:45pm and all major credit cards are accepted
Haling Road Garage, Haling Road South Croydon Surrey CR2 6HS United Kingdom